Medical Aid and Assistance

Welcome to Our Medical Aid Service

Your Lifeline in Times of Urgency

Helping You Access the Care You Need

At The Sirri Saqti Foundation, we understand that medical expenses can be overwhelming. Our Medical Assistance service is here to provide financial support for you or your family members' medical treatments. If you need help covering medical costs, you can apply through our simple application process. Our dedicated team reviews each request and will get back to you as soon as possible. We have a history of supporting numerous cases and are committed to assisting those in need with compassion and care.

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    Real-Life Impact Stories

    How Our Support Has Made a Difference

    Afrin Khatun's Journey to Recovery: From Darkness to Hope

    Afrin Khatun, a 13-year-old girl who lost her father, faced severe vision challenges, with one eye completely lost and cataract affecting the other. We supported her by covering all travel, accommodation, and medical expenses in Bangalore, where injections were administered to protect her remaining vision. With the help of our member, Ant Imran Siddiqui, an optometrist, Afrin’s case was referred to Sankara Nethralaya, Kolkata, where we are committed to further assisting her in her path to recovery.

    A Beacon of Hope: Abdul Rahim Sekh's Fundraiser Journey

    Abdul Rahim Sekh, a 23-year-old with Chronic Kidney Disease, urgently needed a kidney transplant costing ₹14 lakhs. His father, a farmer, couldn’t afford it. We raised ₹61,824 through Milaap and contributed an additional ₹20,000 from our own funds. Our generous donors also provided ₹1,00,000. This support was crucial for covering Abdul’s surgery costs. His mother was deeply moved by the compassion shown. Thank you for being a beacon of hope and making a real difference in their lives.

    Together for Farhan: Thank You for Making a Difference

    Meet 10-year-old Farhan, who bravely faces Thalassemia, a genetic blood disorder that requires frequent blood transfusions to manage. We were able to provide ₹20,000 to support his treatment, significantly helping with essential medical costs. Your generous contributions have made a remarkable difference in Farhan’s life, ensuring he receives the ongoing care he needs. Your support has not only eased his financial burden but also brought hope and comfort to his family. Thank you for being an integral part of Farhan’s  journey.

    Supporting Ruhi Tara's Battle Against Kidney Failure

    Ruhi Tara, a homemaker and wife of a toto driver in Howrah, faced a critical health crisis as both her kidneys failed. With her husband struggling financially and two daughters desperate to save their mother, Ruhi required costly dialysis three times a week at Sree Jain Hospital,  costing Rs. 1,200 per session. We organized a donation drive, raising Rs. 50,450, and ultimately provided Rs. 51,000 to support her medical needs. This collective effort brought vital relief and hope to Ruhi and her family during their challenging time.

    These are just a few examples of how we have helped individuals and families through our Medical Financial Assistance Program. We are dedicated to making a positive impact and providing crucial support when it is needed most.

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